750 Words

A few weeks ago I discovered 750words.com – and immediately learned I had actually used it nearly a decade before, for nine days in March 2011. That meant I was already a member, since apparently you never get dropped even if you don't do anything for years.

It was really great to be able to see what I had written almost a decade ago, when I was visiting Singapore, where my wife had a work-related engagement that meant my only expense was the airfare.

In any case, having been impressed that what I had written almost a decade before was still available, I decided to start using 750words again, this time more as it was originally intended – morning-based, stream-of-consciousness writing. This time, it seemed to connect with me – I've used it for over fifty consecutive days and it is now a daily habit.

The site creator, Buster Benson, says it is Better Than Meditation. Though I don't agree with that assertion, I do agree with much of what he says about the benefits of writing at least three pages every day — and for at least some of us, apparently writing is easier that meditating. In truth, I'd like to succeed in doing both, but for me, daily meditation is far more challenging than just writing for 20+ minutes every morning. My only constraint is that I don't allow myself to pause until I'm signaled that I reached the goal of 750 words. After that, I may – or may not – add other entries throughout the day.

Even though for years, the Intensive Journal by Ira Progoff has been my journal method, I now use 750words.com as the 'Daily' portion of my decades-long Intensive Journal exercise.

I highly recommend 750words.com!

#100daystooffload Day 6