My friend, an intelligent, well-educated Trumpist (part 1)
Yesterday I got a text from a friend linking to Guiliani's latest press conference in which Sidney Powell said “What we are really dealing with here and uncovering more by the day is the massive influence of communist money through Venezuela, Cuba and likely China in the interference with our elections here in the United States,” she began. She linked voting systems used in several states with a company founded by a former Venezuelan dictator (despite there not being any actual link) and declared that computers were humming along rigging the election for President-elect Joe Biden until it encountered a level “so overwhelming in so many of these states that it broke the algorithm,” necessitating the fraud that Giuliani alleged. Oh, and this all somehow tied back to financier George Soros and the Clinton Foundation, of course.
Well, my friends's initial text was as follows:
Holy Cow Richard !! Things are going to simply explode !!!
Your reaction please ??
To which my reply was as follows:
Would be amazing if it were true. Rated as “pant on fire” by PolitiFact, for example. Even Fox's Tucker Carlson called her out. Doesn't mean many folks won't accept it as true.
To which my friend's follow-up text was extremely long as follows:
Wow, Dear Friend !!
I find great comfort in our ability to have a kind dialog between us. We’re adults !!
Haven’t been sleeping well.
Over a week ago, I began to research in earnest all the stuff disclosed by Sidney Powell last night.
I was expecting this. There were no surprises, although my research has revealed a great deal more than was stated.
I would love to have found that all this fraud stuff was bunk. I could get back to sleeping soundly.
You know, I’m an engineer and scientist. A consummate nerd !!
Here are the facts and logic I find so troubling -
A long read – hopefully not a long rant ...
DNC Governors decided, almost to a man, that voting was just too hazardous, and locked down the polls.
Naturally, this doesn't make sense to me. Polls here in New York were not locked down nor in my brother's state, California. In fact, early voting polls were open more days than in previous elections. However, he continues as follows:
The solution – mail in ballots.
Absentee ballots are mail in. But the integrity interlock is nearly air-tight.
No, these “new” mail-in ballots, other than some recent trials, had never been used in quantity.
When they had been used, the results and uncertainty were simply a mess.
So these states gathered every old voter-registration backup tape they could find, did a crude and ineffective “merge-purge” and mailed the ballots.
Apartments received a ballot for every registered voter who had ever lived there.
Subtle differences in names, initials, Jr/Sr etc. resulted in many voters receiving multiple ballots.
There was absolutely no provisions made for “systems engineering” to establish interlocks for integrity and verification.
I’ve now come to believe that this was by design.
So – Help me to understand why the unsolicited mail-in ballots were counted last ??
In a crunch at the last minute ...
There was considerable pressure put on election officials by concerned parties to deal with these ballots “as received”, to allow time for verifying validity, particularly signatures.
The election officials in these swing states refused.
What would it hurt if they were pre-validated in advance ?? Rather than under the cover of darkness at the last minute
So, help me to understand the reality of this -
It happened in MI, WI, PA, GA, AZ, and NV.
At 3am, everyone was told “we are done counting for the night”.
One state election office even told of a “broken water main”.
Everyone, all the observers and press were asked to vacate. THEN, the windows were shuttered. THEN, the trucks rolled up.
The unsolicited “mail-in” ballots were processed by largely DNC or clueless poll workers over the desperate objections of the few RNC workers present. In the middle of the night !!
In every one of these six swing states ??
Where GOP observers were forced (the next morning) to stay 20 feet away from the ballots !!
Please tell my why ?? They claimed concerns about violence. Then more cops were brought in to keep close watch on these GOP thugs.
What would be the risk to the integrity of the election if observers were able to see and verify the process in a meaningful way.
I was originally outraged when Trump called for stopping the counting of the ballots.
Now I know why. The Trump campaign didn’t want the counting to continue without oversight.
Segue -
The Smartmatic / Diminion / Sequoia stuff is simply off the page.
My sources have been largely non-partisan.
I didn’t learn from Rudi or Ms. Powell. But watching her disclosures last night, I had previously known every point she stated.
If you want a quality overview of these terrifying issues, she has it accurately covered.
The electronic evidence is massive. There are distinctive numeric patterns in the data which clearly indicate electronic fraud. And big numbers.
Now that they know what to look for, these things stick out like sore thumbs.
( Two batches of votes, of multiple six figures, loaded some twelve minutes apart. Two identical batch tallys ) ???
A Two-for-One special ??
There are hundreds of these numeric anomalies and artifacts in WI, MI and PA.
Many similar voting machine numerical and statistics problems exist in many other states.
Just the large number of precincts having way more votes than registered voters. What ??
Some counties have more ballots than the population ?? What ??
If you can stomach it, please watch Ms. Powell’s short video again.
Now you have some history and background that I sincerely stand behind.
I’ve painfully studied these layered issues for nearly ten days.
I truly wish it was bunk.
Re: No evidence provided by Powell.
If you can believe what you read, the legal team won’t be releasing anything, pending filings and the discovery process.
This actually makes sense.
They gain nothing in the legal process by showing their cards, and there are risks in doing so.
Also, Interpol is chasing a bunch of international miscreants it appears. Why help the bastards with information, sources and methods ??
Segue -
I believe the GA recount proved nothing, as was the clear intention IMO.
There were formal requests by many interested parties to have the non-interlocked ( unsolicited ) mail-in ballots verified for validity including signatures.
GA officials refused. So they simply hand counted the same batches of unverified ballots. These represent big numbers in Atlanta, Macon, Columbus, and Augusta.
Voting machine issues don’t appear to be an issue in GA.
Segue -
Sounds outrageous, but please don’t dismiss me like I’m a birther or something.
I sincerely believe that Trump won by a landslide.
The truth is out there, and it will eventually be known.
Just couldn’t understand the obvious. There was almost a frightening enthusiasm for Trump.
There was hardly no enthusiasm for Joe – only hatred for Trump.
There is no back-pedaling on this. Sidney Powell’s whole career is on the line.
She was so emotional in her delivery that she was shaking like a leaf.
Apologies for the long read.
We should talk about nerd stuff and R**** C*** sometime ...
Most Sincerely, J*** L******
My next response was simply that I couldn't give my friend a detailed response because I was involved in providing medical support for my father-in-law. A bit of a lie but I wanted to take time to figure out how — or whether — to try to deal with this. It reminds me of a relative's belief that the Twin Towers came down due to embedded explosives.
I'll be pondering this for a bit....
#100daystooffload Day 15.