

I first encountered Coleman Hughes when I was looking for contemporary conversations about Black Lives Matter. The video Has Anti-Racism Become A New Religion? | John McWhorter (Ep.2) caught my attention because I had seen John McWhorter before. Though most of his books are about linguistics, McWhorter was also the author of Authentically Black,


As someone who identifies himself as 'a center-left, aging nineteen-sixties liberal', I find myself increasing perturbed by the way some of today's young leftists often behave in the same manner as those on the extreme right. For both sides, verification of accusations no longer matters – it is enough to publish allegations aimed at ruining careers.


As an aging liberal, I increasingly respect conservatives who are “Sasse-y and Flake-y”. I use this phrase to help me remember the names of the two conservatives whose books I’ve recently enjoyed reading: Ben Sasse, author of The Vanishing American Adult and Jeff Flake, author of Conscience of a Conservative: A Rejection of Destructive Politics and a Return to Principle.